Monday, March 29, 2010

Can Photoshop work with Voice...

Hi there,

I have been searching for answers for some time and no one seems to be able to help. I am a photographer and a severe RSI sufferer and sitting at the computer using a mouse or even a tablet still gives me excruciating pain after many yearsand every type of physical therapy. I am not here to seek advice on ergonomics or any of that stuff! What I really need advice on is this: with the reliance on computers in digital photography now, is there ANY way to make Photoshop (and related Creative Suite software such as Bridge) work through Voice Recognition with the Mac?

I currently run a Power Mac with 10.4.11 and CS3. I have to get help to work with RAW images in Photoshop and would love to just be able to open the program and use the sliders and menu commands myself instead of relying on others and trying to instruct them on how to work on my images. I am thinking of upgrading to a new Mac and want to see if it's possible to get something installed or programmed to help me.

This is my last hope of being able to continue with what I love. Any advice or links to info from you guys would be SO appreciatedThanks! Jim.
Can Photoshop work with Voice...

With a little luck, Chris Cox may chime in and be able to offer some guidance.

Can Photoshop work with Voice...
Not by default.

And I haven't looked into third party utilities to automate Photoshop by voice.

i believe this technology is'nt in distant future.

if you go for or do a youtube session you will find videos suc this one here;feature=related you will also find curious ones there.

You can do it to some extent using the Speech Recognition in Mac OS X.

I experimented with this a couple of versions of Photoshop ago (well before CS4 and Leopard), trying to reproduce the scene in the movie Blade Runner where Harrison Ford's character edits a photo by talking to the computer across the room.

Go to your Mac OS X Preferences and click Speech. Click the Speech Recognition tab and click Speakable Items: On. If the Microphone is set correctly and you understand the current Listening Method (the key to press, or the phrase to say), you're ready to add commands. Mac OS X already comes with a bunch of sample commands, and can define speakable keyboard shortcuts for individual applications.

Switch to Photoshop and say ''Define Keyboard Command.'' (How you exactly do this depends on how you set up listening, so for example if you're doing it Star Trek style with the default Listening Method of saying ''Computer'' first, then you'd say ''Computer: Define Keyboard Command.'') When the Define Keyboard Command dialog comes up, you press the keystroke for the command you want to invoke. So if I want to make the Image %26gt; Image Size command speakable, I press its shortcut, Command-Option-I, and click OK. Then I type ''Image Size'' as the spoken phrase I want it to recognize. From now on, whenever I say ''Image Size'' the Image %26gt; Image Size dialog box comes up.

If you want to do things not represented by a keyboard shortcut, you can make Speech Recognition trigger AppleScripts and Automator workflows, or use the built in Speakable Items like Move Page Up and Move Page Down (to scroll the Photoshop window). When I tried the Blade Runner scenario I was able to make Photoshop change the view and run some commands like Unsharp Mask, as in the movie where Ford says ''Pan right and pull back. Enhance.'' I was surprised at how much of that allegedly futuristic scene I could actually do with a stock Mac and Photoshop. I just tried it in CS4 and it still works.

That's about all I tried--this is the full extent of my knowledge on this subject, and I had to Google around a little to remind me how I did that few years ago. 3EHere's%20one%20link%3C/a%3E%20that%20explains%20some%20of%20the%20steps%20abov e.%20Because%20you%20have%20a%20serious%20vested%20interest%20in%20this,%20you%2 0might%20be%20able%20to%20get%20a%20lot%20further%20than%20I%20did.%20However,%2 0I%20am%20not%20sure%20how%20well%20it%20would%20work%20inside%20Photoshop%20dia log%20boxes%20and%20panels,%20which%20don't%20always%20work%20like%20OS%20X%20co ntrols.%20You%20might%20have%20to%20control%20them%20through%20scripting,%20sinc e%20Photoshop%20is%20scriptable%20and%20AppleScripts%20can%20be%20voice-triggere d.%20Good%20luck!

Thank you Conrad, for your time spent in posting this reply. I will definitely give your suggestions a try and let you know how I get on. Anything that saves my hands at this point is welcome relief.

Thanks Thomas, very interesting stuff. I am a Mac guy so Vista does seems alien to me but I'm open minded at this point. Seems some of the folks commenting on that video don't seem too impressed by the voice capabilities, however!

%26gt; I am a Mac guy so Vista does seems alien to me but I'm open minded at this point.

I can understand.

%26gt; Seems some of the folks commenting on that video don't seem too impressed by the voice capabilities, however!

yeah, that's what i wrote, there are curios videos about speech rec in vista ;) but, to be honest, the comments at youtube are in general very distracting and rude.

also from my side, good luck man.

Hmmm, shouting ''HIGHPASS 15 PIXELS! GAUSSIAN BLUR 5 PIXELS! LAYER MODE TO OVERLAY!'' and Ps does the rest. Sounds great to me. Would be great for Tool switching too.

And expletives should perform an undo?

I thought that Mac OS had a foundation for voice control, but I guess that it needs to have access to ''hooks'' in the Application Scripting

Even automator has no control on this?

Unless Chris means that there is no built-in voice control in Photoshop, but it can be built using the OS tools?

Even OS tools would need something Photoshop specific to access all the functionality. And I don't think you're going to paint by voice anytime soon.

%26gt;And I don't think you're going to paint by voice anytime soon.

We will file that as a feature of the Talent Filter, then...

Keyboard Shorts for Photoshop (on the...

Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts for Photoshop for the Mac. In the FAQ there was a pointer to a list of short cuts for Photoshop CS2--but the link does not work.

I know I can export a list of keyboard short cuts from the Edit/Keyboard Shortcuts menu.

What I really want to find are those command key sets that are:

not listed in the keyboard short cuts in photoshop

do not appear in the pull down menus

do not appeal in the context sensitive menu when you do a right click.

Two examples of the kind of key combination I am looking for: (From working in Kelby's Seven Point System)

cmd/opt/E --%26gt; creates a new layer from the selected layers

cmd/shift/opt/E --%26gt; creates a new layer from the visible layers

(It looks like the opt key modifies visible commands to make them also create a new layer--where am I to find this stuff?)

I assume there are tons of such ''hidden'' key combinations. And I do assume that there is some obvious place to find them, but I have not been able to find that place.

thanks for the help.


Keyboard Shorts for Photoshop (on the...
Keyboard Shorts for Photoshop (on the...




Video Card for PPC MAC G5 (dual...

I just recently installed Photoshop CS4 on my laptop (MACBookPro Intel core2 duo, OS 10.5) and on my G5 PowerPC Dual Processor MAC OS 10.4). I like all the new cool features - including the ability to see the hardness/softness of brushes and smooth zooming, but when I tried these features on my PPC G5 I was disappointed to find they were not there. I found that the problem is that my AGP video card (GE force FX 5200) does not support Open GL 2.0 or Shader Model 3 and it doesn't have enough memory. I looked through the list of GPUs that have been tested by Adobe, but none of these seem to be compatible with my PPC MAC G5. My question is - is there a video card for my PPC G5 Dual Processor that will enable most, if not all, of the functionality of CS4. From the Forums I'm getting confusing and not very definitive information. For example one discussion says that an ATI Radeon 9600 PRO 4x/8x can be installed on my system, but that it still may not work unless a plug-in (AllowOldGPUs - available from Adobe) is installed. Does anyone know for sure if this solution will work? Or, should I just wait until I finally get motivated to get a newer MAC PRO?
Video Card for PPC MAC G5 (dual...
%26gt;For example one discussion says that an ATI Radeon 9600 PRO 4x/8x can be installed on my system, but that it still may not work unless a plug-in (AllowOldGPUs - available from Adobe) is installed.

The 9600 Pro will work on a G5 but
it does NOT support OpenGL.

The only card which does support OpenGL that can be used on a G5, is the nVidea 7800 GT which has been ''Flashed for Mac''.

I got mine from AppleMacanix (who have an ebay store) and it works perfectly.
Video Card for PPC MAC G5 (dual...
I'm on a Mac G5 with an ATI Radeon 9600 XT card and OSX 10.4.11. In Photoshop CS4 using the System Info option under Help I see a listing that says ''Video Card Renderer: ATI Radeon 9600 Xt OpenGL Engine'' and directly below another one that says ''OpenGL Drawing: Disabled''

My question: How the heck do I 'Enable' OpenGL Drawing? Or, as Ann wrote, it simply won't work? Anybody know why? thanks...


What Ann said. Photoshop detects your video cardwhich does NOT support OpenGL 2and disables OpenGL Drawing instantly.

%26gt;How the heck do I 'Enable' OpenGL Drawing?

Only in
heck, not here on Earth. :D

Dang it to all heck. I guess I'm going to have to live without 'flicking'.

try the AllowOldGPUS.plugin

But read all the caveats first!


No caveats here where I downloaded it:;fileID=3770

Other? I'll be sure to review in advance, thanks.

The caveats are in posts in various threads.

Crashes are a very real possibility. That's why you use it at your own risk.

Hmmm, dumb question: Does the plug-in need to be in one of the sub folders in the Plug-Ins directory? If so, which? At the root level nothing is happening despite re-start. Thanks.


%26gt;Does the plug-in need to be in one of the sub folders in the Plug-Ins directory?

No, as long as it's in the Plug-ins folder, Photoshop can see it.

Just because it is supposed to allow you to use an older card does NOT mean that the card will magically acquire capabilities it does not have.

In many instances, it will have no effect whatsoever.

The question remains as to whether anyone has actually tried this with the Radeon 9600 Pro. It appears from the discussion that it probably will not work.


Also read:


%26gt;The question remains as to whether anyone has actually tried this with the Radeon 9600 Pro

I did and it doesn't.

I had an almost new 9600 Pro (which works only with the non-OpenGL functions in CS4) but had to buy a Flashed-for-Mac 7800 GT to use the OpenGL features.

Thanks everyone. I've read the tech bulletins, comments, and caveats. It looks like the nVidea 7800 GT (flashed for MAC) is the only real solution without getting a completely new MAC.

Thanks all. I guess I'll make do with what I've got for now and see what kind of new boxes come from Apple this year. I'm disinclined to spend any money upgrading a 2005 PPC tower right now.

If I recall correctly the AllowoldGPU.plupin worked with the 6600LE

Is there a list anywhere of what video cards support OpenGL Drawing?

Yes, there is a list created by Adobe in this knowledge base bulletin.;sliceId=1

And, here's a knowledge base bulletin with solutions to some problems people have reported to Adobe.;sliceId=1

If you find an OpenGL Video Card that works with CS4 on a dual processor PPC G5 running OS-X 10.4.11 let me know.

The only one that I could find to work with my PPC G5 2 GHz Dual running OS-X 10.4.11 is a Flashed-for-Mac nVidea 7800 GT.

I bought mine from AppleMacanix who sell them via their eBay store:

[As I told you, Russell, in Message #1 in response to your original query on Feb 3:

Ann Shelbourne, ''Video Card for PPC MAC G5 (dual processor) that works with CS4?'' #1, 3 Feb 2009 10:12 am]

The 7800GT has been totally reliable.

Anyone else having a Problem with...

I'm using CS3 with Leopard 10.5.4 at work and there are some very aggravating anomalies, that I'd like to nail down to a cause. Most frequently, when switching from apps to P'Shop, the menu bar stays for the previous app, i.e. when going from Finder to P'shop, the menu bar still says Finder and has Finder options. Changing from Lightwave to P'Shop, the menu bar remains Lightwave.

Occasionally, an Adobe app - P'Shop or InDesign - will simply disappear and not come back. The icon in the dock shows it as active, but no amount of clicking, Command-Tabbing will reveal the app and I have to Force Quit, losing unsaved changes.

I have a feeling it's Leopard, since, I've used CS3 on Tiger and CS4 on Tiger and never had a problem.

I'm wondering if upgrading to the latest Leopard would make much of a difference.

Has anyone come across this and found any kind of answers?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Anyone else having a Problem with...

%26gt;I have a feeling it's Leopard, since, I've used CS3 on Tiger and CS4 on Tiger and never had a problem.

Adobe admits there are some minor issues with CS3 when used with Leopard, as CS3 was developed before Leopard's debut. But with CS4 out, don't count on them being fixed by Adobe.

The best options: revert to Tiger or upgrade to CS4.

Anyone else having a Problem with...
Hi Neil,

My main concern is with my home machine, which is running Tiger and CS4. It's a perfect setup and I don't want to ruin it by upgrading to Leopard and having these headaches I have at work. The main thing is, I'm looking at another piece of software (ZBrush), which requires Leopard. I'd like to know if these problems exist between CS4 and Leopard too, or just with CS3.

Are you using CS4 and Leopard?



CS4 works much better with Leopard as it was Beta tested with Leopard. Adobe software does not play well with spaces but thats an Apple issue.


%26gt;Are you using CS4 and Leopard?

I'm using CS4 with Tiger. But as Buko says, CS4 should work well with Leopard.


%26gt; I'd like to know if these problems exist between CS4 and Leopard too, or just with CS3.

Those problems should not exist with CS4

b or


I've never experienced any of that with either version in Leopard. My guess is that you either have a bad install (app or OS), a bad font, a corrupt preference, or the machine has hardware problems. What kind of trouble shooting have you done? When you installed Leopard, what type of install was it? If you used the Upgrade method, I suggest you start over with an Erase and Install.


%26gt;Those problems should not exist with CS4 or CS3.


Adobe explains that there are some issues with CS3 and Leopard as Leopard was released after CS3. And some folks may (unfortunately) experience issues not seen by others in that environment, even with savvy users.


%26gt; Adobe explains that there are some issues with CS3 and Leopard as Leopard was released after CS3

Yes, Neil. I've heard the excuse, ad nauseam for well over a year now.

Regardless, show me ANYTHING where Adobe explains Vincent's problems could be expected or even possible.

Have you actually ever read the Leopard/CS3 FAQ at the top of the main page? According to THAT Adobe explanation, CS3 should be fully compatible by this point. It was written in 2007.

Vincent's problems are user specific.



%26gt;I've heard the excuse, ad nauseam for well over a year now.

It's a
reason not an excuse. And, no, I'm not defending Adobe here.



%26gt;I've heard the excuse, ad nauseam for well over a year now.

It's a
reason, not an excuse. And, no, I'm not defending Adobe here. But I do think the reference you cite, based upon user feedback, is, shall we say, a bit optimistic.

I know that Adobe plugged the big holes. But I get a sense that there's still a bunch of smaller, more elusive ones, that will ''bug'' some folks.


Phil seems to find it impossible to accept that multitudes of users (but not him apparently?!) have run into endless problems trying to run the CS3 SUITE on Leopard.

Both the Photoshop and the InDesign Forum have been awash with threads about Leopard problems since Leopard first hit the market; and many people seem to STILL be having problems using CS3 on Leopard even after updating to 10.5.6.

Just because it doesn't happen to Phil (who may not use all of the same features of the Suite that others do anyway) does NOT mean that these problems are not real and are not mere PEBCAK.

Wow, looks like it's getting heated in here.

I think it is mainly a Leopard problem - it's interaction with Adobe. Considering that the Apple forum had quite a number of threads on this issue, it does exist and I doubt it's simply a font problem or a bad install. I don't really deal with fonts anyway, as all I do is imaging/illustration. I use InDesign only to open an AD's layout and get proper placement, nothing more.

If it's Leopard, fine, I'd just like to know how Leopard interacts with CS4, before I possibly infect a perfectly smooth operation with an upgrade to Leopard. As it is, CS4 and Tiger work beautifully, but I can't use ZBrush...

What is PEBCAK?




%26gt;What is PEBCAK?

Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard.

there really weren't that many problems with PSCS3 and Leopard from the start My main gripe was always with ID and Leopard which is why I have not moved my main machine to leopard. I have it on my Laptop and I'm thinking of making a hard drive with leopard on it again so I can test it a bit more.

My main reasons for not updating now are my Epson 2200 and a few Classic apps I rarely use any more

%26gt; What is PEBCAK?

%26gt; Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard.

The variation of that which I know is to describe a situation as a picnic -

Problem In Chair Not In Computer

%26gt; Just because it doesn't happen to Phil (who may not use all of the same features of the Suite that others do anyway) does NOT mean that these problems are not real and are not mere PEBCAK.

Right. If someone is having a problem associated with Tiger, it's PEBAK. If Leopard is involved, it's automatically because of Leopard. Apparently, with Apple's latest OS, trouble shooting problems are no longer necessary - just blame it on Leopard and call it a day.


I find the dynamics here really interesting. This thread would have been very different if Vincent had posted with problems involving Tiger. Would have gone something like this:

After admonishing him for not providing more information about his setup by posting the obnoxious big blue link on how to ask questions (ahem - we know NOTHING about his machine or configuration, such as which machine, how much RAM, scratch disk or attached peripherals), there'd be all kinds of trouble shooting advice given - ''try a new user'', ''repair permissions'', ''run DiskWarrior, and on and on ...

But no, since he mentions Leopard, none of that is apparently necessary and the completely, utterly

b irresponsible

advice is given ... ''that's just the way Leopard is''.

Those are some serious problems he's reporting that have nothing to do with Leopard. Something is obviously hosed!

As for discounting my experience because I don't use every app in the suite as extensively as I do Photoshop, I'm FAR more qualified to discuss Leopard and CS issues than Ann or Neil who do not use Leopard at all (and have never used it as far as I know.)

''Others have problems with it'', is their battle cry but it's extremely weak. Do I really need to remind you all that these forum are ALWAYS filled with people who have problems, regardless of version or OS? You act as if this forum was a ghost town when Tiger and CS3 were current!

Gee, Ann ... people are STILL reporting problems with 10.5 and CS3? How shocking! Guess what - people are STILL reporting problems with 10.4 and CS3 too! Let me make a prediction - people will have problems with 10.8 and CS9!


%26gt; I don't really deal with fonts anyway ...

Yes. You do. Even if you never type a single line of text, every application uses fonts to create menus and other GUI items. If one of those fonts are bad, it can create all kinds of problems, including the very problems you mention.

The fact that you don't seem aware of this and you're still using 10.5.4 leads me to believe you're not familiar with the basic practices of maintaining a healthy system. Again, how did you install Leopard on that machine?

Look, if you're simply trying to justify using CS4, go right ahead. It's a worthwhile upgrade in it's own right. However, if you install it on that machine in it's current state, CS4 will NOT fix your problems because you do NOT have a healthy system.

You asked for experiences with Leopard - I can launch every application in both CS3 and CS4 suites

i simultaneously,

and STILL not have your issues. I haven't experienced anything like your CS3 problems in Leopard - on both a 2006 Mac Pro and a 2008 Macbook.

If you'd like help to try and figure out the real problem, I'm more than happy to help. If not, Adobe will gladly take your money ...


Don't go to 10.5.6. Oops I made the mistake. Issues with time machine, printing and others. Now trying to figure out why my images look faded when going from NEF to jpg or tiff or psd through imageprocessor in CS3.

%26gt;Phil seems to find it impossible to accept that multitudes of users (but not him apparently?!) have run into endless problems trying to run the CS3 SUITE on Leopard.

And some seem to find it impossible to accept the multitude of users that successfully use CS3 in Leopard. Count me as another user that
does use CS3 in Leopard. And count me as another FUD-fighter.

Running at 10.5.4, I wonder why 10.5.5 and 10.5.6 updates were not attempted as the most basic troubleshooting step.

Kevin, Adobe alleges that the 10.5.6 specifically addresses
printing with CS3. Perhaps you had something configured prior to the update to compensate for whatever problem existed previously.

I am with Phil: something is hosed, the symptoms you describe are probably not an OS/app conflict.
Start by upgrading your OS to current after backing up important data. If that does not resolve the issue then re-install PS.

Routine usage of Disk Warrior also is a good preventative protocol IMO, but if you buy DW be sure to get the correct version for the OS that you are using.

Repair Permissions via Disk Utility immediately before and immediately after every installation. Although repairing Permissions is not a fix for poor performance, many folks do find that religiously repairing Permissions immediately before and immediately after every installation of
any kind helps keep a graphics box running more smoothly. Routine usage of Disk Warrior also is a good preventative protocol IMO, but if you buy DW be sure to get the correct version for the OS that you are using.

Good luck!

It's 2.8 QC with 4GB RAM.

I'm not ignorant as to what an OS does with fonts, I just highly doubt it's a simple font problem. If that were the case, it would be system wide and not simply Adobe wide. I also didn't install anything, because this company leaves the user out of it to insure everything is done by the IT Dept.

These problems exist for me, as well as other users, and considering it has been posted on Apples forums by complete strangers to myself, I'm sure it's real and probably a Leopard problem. Before I go stirring up IT, I'd like to have some answers instead of the down time that comes with IT taking over my computer.

Also, I'm not trying to justify getting CS4, I own it at home. I'm trying to figure out if I upgrade my home machine to Leopard, in order to use Zbrush, will I be dealing with the same nonsense I deal with here at work. As it is CS4 and Tiger work together better than I could have expected and have no want to open up a can of worms on my home computer.


I would definitely get your IT guy to upgrade your system in the office to 10.5.6, and see if that solves your Finder problems, before deciding whether or not you want to make changes to your home computer.

Clone your OS. then update the clone see if things work for you. if so reclone the original and then update the original drive. Keep the clone incase you need to go back.

%26gt;I just highly doubt it's a simple font problem. If that were the case, it would be system wide


If a System Font is corrupt, it wouldn't affect the entire system and only Adobe products?

I would definitely get your IT guy to upgrade your system in the office to 10.5.6, and see if that solves your Finder problems, before deciding whether or not you want to make changes to your home computer.

Yeah I I guess I'll start there and see if I have any luck.

It's really hard to get anything done, without having total control of the machine and needing to depend on a completely different department.

Adobe apps are very susceptible to corrupt or damaged fonts even duplicate fonts can screw with them.

FontAgent Pro is a good tool to find bad fonts.

Adobe apps are very susceptible to corrupt or damaged fonts even duplicate fonts can screw with them.

Oh okay, I get it. Thanks.

Something else Ill have to ask IT to look into getting.




I recall working in Word on a machine, then switching to Photoshop or QuarkXPress. Only then would I know that one of the fonts I had been using earlier was damaged.



Tell your IT guys there's a

fully functional
30-day trial version of FAP (FontAgent Pro).

Well I just installed Leopard on a test volume. I'm using it now with all my main apps I'll let everyone know how it goes.

Good luck, Buko.

I have had similar issues but I have tried using a maintenance program in the past and the problem did not persist. Google Jesse Hogue and see if you can find his apple scripts, it may help.

%26gt;Good luck, Buko.

Nothing to do with luck, it either works or it doesn't. My guess is things work much better now. We'll see how it goes. I'm not worried about ID4 in Leopard but it will give me a chance to test all those things that people keep complaining about.

%26gt;it either works or it doesn't

If it works, you had good luck; if it doesn't, you had bad luck. Nothing more profound than a figure of speech there. ;)

shortcut keyboard command for...

How can I create a shortcut keyboard command for ''consolidate all'' under the ''Arrange documents'' menu?


shortcut keyboard command for...
Have You tried assigning a Shortcut under

Edit 聽Keyboard Shortcuts 聽Window 聽Arrange 聽Consolidate All to Tabs?
shortcut keyboard command for...
That's not what I'm trying to do. My images are in tabs already. There is a square icon in the bar just below the menu bar. It has a rectangle and two squares in the icon. If you click on this square icon, the first icon that is displayed, which is a single grey square, will added gray around your tabs images and you will not be able to see any other application behind it.

This is similar to selecting ''Application frame'' which is also under Window but slightly different.

I never used Application Frame before so I guess that might be my solution since you can create a keyboard shortcut for that.


That is what the Application frame is made for. You can drag it al over your screen, snap it between the panels and you end up with one big window with tools, panel, application bar and you can also choose a custom background color for the application frame. click on the frame background and with right click you can customize it to your wishes. Save it as a workspace and you will soon get used to it :-)

Thanks Omke. I'm using it now since yesterday and like it alot!

It would be a nice feature that when your in Application Frame is one could also take the hand tool and move the image around while in the tab mode.

  • lips
  • Clicking JPEG icon launches Photoshop...

    I run an IMAC Power PC G5 with Tiger 4.11 and recently did a system ''archive and install''. My JPEG files can only be opened within PhotoshopCS with Command+O. Double clicking an icon from the finder launches Photoshop but does not open the file. Neither does dragging icon on to application icon in the dock.

    I ran the disk utility to verify and repair preferences and repair disk.

    I reset ''Launch Services''. Then, I trashed ''Adobe Photoshop CS Settings'' and relaunched the program -- no change.

    Other files (ai, pdf, etc.) open fine. I'm only having trouble with PhotoshopCS.

    Clicking JPEG icon launches Photoshop...
    This is covered in the FAQs of this forum.


    I want to see thumbnails instead of the list of jpg file names in the system dialog box that's presented upon executing File%26gt;Place in CS3. How do I achieve this?

    Chrlz_B on a Mac (Tiger)
    Make sure you are in Column View in that dialog box. Click on the icon with the
    vertical bars.

    Then click on the name of each file, and you will see the preview.
    Yes, I got that far, but I think I should be able to view a number of thumbnails at the same time; not one at a time. Of course I could use the Place command in Bridge, but that was not my intent.


    You can only get icons but you can adjust them to be 128 x 128 pixels . If you click on the icon preview button and hold it you will see a pop up giving you the option to select icon sizes


    It sounds like you are referring to Finder icons (Finder Cmd+j). This does not change any jpg icon in the list of image file names when using the Place command. I do not see a Preview button anywhere in the dialog box presented when using the Place command. From what I've been reading it seems only PS for windoz will give an option button to view multiple files as jpgs. Too bad for the Mac; as I read it.

    Thanks for your response.


    Artistic effects Filters grayed out in...

    Unlike PhotoShop versions I use at work now (CS2), and in the past, my Adobe CS3 loaded onto my personal Macbook Pro (v 10.4.11 - 2.33 GhZ Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB 667 MhZ DDR2 SDRAM) is not allowing me access to special effects filters for enhancing some art I have recently designed in the same app. I went to Preferences menu and located a dialog box which appeared to be a launch for accessing the effects filters. I was interested in applying brush stroke or texture to my art. There was a live blank box for entering the Serial No of my CS3 Suite. You'd think that the requested serial no. that was printed on the sticker on the back of the DVD jacket would be what I needed, but not. I was given a message that I had entered the incorrect serial no. Can someone answer either or both of these dilemmas? Many thanks! Bob
    Artistic effects Filters grayed out in...
    Is your image in 8-bits RGB?

    Some filters do not support 16-bit images or cMYK.
    Artistic effects Filters grayed out in...
    %26gt;There was a live blank box for entering the Serial No of my CS3 Suite.

    If you bought an upgrade, you need both serials numbers, the old one for CS3 and the new one for CS4.

    Blurry guides and transform controls

    Hello, I have an iMac 24 with ATI Radeon 2600 PRO. And I'm having this problem.


    Anybody knows how to fix it?

    Thanks in advance!
    Blurry guides and transform controls
    Try disabling Open GL.
    Blurry guides and transform controls
    Oh! I tried that a hundreds of time with no luck, now I did it restarting Photoshop and problem solved. Silly me.

    Offtopic: So, what the Open GL is good for?


    ''Mounted Image'' look for virtual...


    let麓s see if i can describe what i want...(sorry for the Urgent but i have to do this asap)

    for my web, i need to make a mounted photo out of one of my pictures to show how it will look mounted (on canvas, for example), how it will look on the wall.

    Actually i want to be able to do this with several photos or cutting a photo in several pieces if you see what i mean...

    So the image(s) would be the wall with the photos hanging if you understand what i mean...

    so it has to look 3D kind, with a border from the proper image.

    Now how do i do this? is there a plug in , a filter or some tool i can do this with?

    or if not, how do i do this manually?

    You can see an example of what i mean in my web, if you go to prices then you can see that the canvas of the flower looks like this. I mean, many printers have this in their web, so there should be a way...

    but HOW? where? what?

    Thanks for helping

    ''Mounted Image'' look for virtual...
    Since no direct link was offered and others may need to hunt:

    Google for ''photoshop software box tutorial'' to create 3D representations of your art.

    ---and why do we need to double-click on links on your site? We only need to click once.
    ''Mounted Image'' look for virtual...
    thanks for the quick response....

    well am a bit new in here so not sure how i can make simpler...thanks for putting the photo here!

    will try what you suggested and let you know...

    This guy has some Actions that might help you.

    Maybe all you need to use is a bevel and drop shadow layer style.

    Well am trying a bit of everything

    but frankly it麓s not simple

    i wish it could be some action or plug in (free)...

    Waiting for more suggestions ;)

    Does anyone knows how to cut my image into equal pieces (divide he image/canvas) apart from cutting it ''manually'' and importing each piece as a different layer?

    Thanks again


    I'm trying to install the Epson Perfection V700 software on Photoshop CS4 and nothing happens. Please tell me if there is any issue on that. Thank you. I have 1 Mac Pro and 1 G5 Desktop.

    Beltran Espinosa

    You've told us nothing about how you've installed your software, how you've set it up, and how you're trying to get it to work.

    That said, if you are trying to run it via TWAIN, note that the TWAIIN plug-in is an optional installation and needs to be installed manually.

    that said, note that the reason why it is now an optional installation, is that a number of scanner manufacturers are not complying properly with TWAIN standards.

    So, I recommend that you use the standalone software that Epson supplies, and scan independently of Photoshop. A great benefit in scanning this way is that you are not tying up Photoshop as a scanner utility, and you can work productively while scanning.

    Hope this helps.


    You've told us nothing about how you've installed your software, how you've set it up, and how you're trying to get it to work.

    That said, if you are trying to run it via TWAIN, note that the TWAIN plug-in is an optional installation with CS4 and needs to be installed manually.

    that said, note that the reason why it is now an optional installation, is that a number of scanner manufacturers are not complying properly with TWAIN standards.

    So, I recommend that you use the standalone software that Epson supplies, and scan independently of Photoshop. A great benefit in scanning this way is that you are not tying up Photoshop as a scanner utility, and you can work productively while scanning.

    Hope this helps.


    Thank You Neil. I'll appreciate a lot if you tell me how to install it manually, because we are two persons involved in this. I'm going to follow your advise which makes a lot of sense, but the girl that works with me is a person of habits and might want to import the scanner the old fashion way.

    Any way, is a pleasure to hear from people so knowledgeable and nice.

    Its in the goodies folder and you put it in Photoshops plugin folder.

    I must agree with Neil. Tying up a $1000 application as a scanning interface is a bit silly since Photoshop has no scanning ability in and of itself. You are still using Epson's software. So since this a new scanner and a new version of Photoshop try doing a new way.

    Or use Vuescan, IMO superior. But in any event scanning from within PS is a terrible workflow hog.

    %26gt;PS is a terrible workflow hog

    The exception would be (first assuming that TWAIN-compliant software has been provided by the scanner manufacturer) if you are doing only
    very occasional scanning.


    %26gt;the girl that works with me is a person of habits and might want to import the scanner the old fashion way

    Just make it clear to her that she does it at her own risk, and crashes and other problems are quite likely.
  • lips
  • CS3 memory allocation question

    CS3 PS recognizes up to 3gb of installed memory even on boxes with more, should the prefs slider be set to use 100% of the 3gb if much more is available (10gb) in the mac?

    Does the ''ideal range'' indication assume that the 3gb that has been identified is actually the total installed amount?

    CS3 memory allocation question
    Memory allocation/utilization is complex, not simple math. Many folks with plenty of RAM (including me) find some number less than 100% (e.g. 70%) works best, others seem OK with 100%. Do trial and error with your specific workflow.

    Although apps can only

    i directly

    address ~3 GB RAM, Mac OS X works with the apps to effectively utilize much more than that. E.g. Adobe engineer Adam Jerugim in 2008 posted:

    i ''CS4 (running on OS 10.5.x) will take advantage of all the RAM you have in your system as long as VM OS buffering is active (up to 32GB - I haven't tested more than that).''

    The ability under Mac OS X to access large amounts of inexpensive RAM is a big benefit to the tower configuration.
    CS3 memory allocation question
    hi Allen,

    I guess the question that I'm curious about is whether the calculation for the ''ideal range'' takes into consideration the additional ram, or whether this was a legacy tool, developed when there was a real ram limitation.

    thanks again,


    IMO it is complex, not properly a
    calculation under MacIntels with appropriate RAM. How Adobe gets to ''ideal'' I do not know. My guess is that it is legacy; after all there are lots of legacy hardware setups out there

    IMO it is complex

    most definitely : )

    %26gt;when there was a real ram limitation

    There is still a RAM limitation. It'll be there until Photoshop for the Mac is a 64-bit application, like CS4 is in Windoze.

    %26gt;There is still a RAM limitation.

    you're right!

    I wonder if Adobe and Apple have created a problem with the Mac desktop, desktop hardware is in need of an update from the mini to the pro and in need of something to fill the void, and not a very compelling argument for a non-64bit CS4 with the exception of the built-in obsolescence of ACR.

    Maybe the concept of the desktop is a dinosaur or has it just been ignored.


    Yes, we could certainly use some new desktop hardware.

    %26gt;and not a very compelling argument for a non-64bit CS4 with the exception of the built-in obsolescence of ACR.



    %26gt;There is still a RAM limitation. It'll be there until Photoshop for the Mac is a 64-bit application, like CS4 is in Windoze.

    Yes, in terms of
    directly addressing RAM a limitation remains. However focusing only on directly addressable RAM often leads to a flawed thought process as to RAM utility.

    CS4 under OS X already can take advantage of up to at least 32 GB of onboard RAM and very few users have beefed their setups to use the full 32 GB already available
    today. Folks need to be looking to setups with more RAM on board rather than worrying about when CSx Mac will be 64-bit.

    Concerning 64-bits:

    Mac users can PRINT at 64-bits Widows Users cannot.

    %26gt;Mac users can PRINT at 64-bits Widows Users cannot.

    I think you mean 16-bits, Ann. :)

    %26gt;CS4 under OS X already can take advantage of up to at least 32 GB of onboard RAM

    Hi Allen,

    If CS4/mac was a 64bit app would it perform better than the current memory management?

    regards, j

    %26gt;If CS4/mac was a 64bit app would it perform better than the current memory management?

    I have no idea, but consider that a hypothetical question anyway. Most likely the next version will perform better, but that is simply the nature of
    next versions.

    And then there was Photoshop 5.

    %26gt;but that is simply the nature of next versions

    true but with CS4 still an infant, there may be a full CS lifecycle before we see a Mac 64bit version, maybe it matters, maybe not. But in the meanwhile we have a 64bit OS and nothing to wear (metaphorically speaking : )

    on further thought.... I bet we see a 4.5 mid-upgrade

    CS4 will never be 64-bits, period. CS5 will be the first opportunity to see a 64-bit Mac version, if it materializes.

    %26gt;I bet we see a 4.5 mid-upgrade

    How much money are you willing to lose?

    Re: #10

    Indeed! 16-bits PRINTING.( And it is available to others apart from ''widows'' too.)

    %26gt;How much money are you willing to lose?

    sounds like the theme song of 08-09 : )

    my guess is that CS4 will not be selling like hot cakes, for a variety of reasons, some the economy, some marketing, lack of defining features, etc. Apple will eventually release new faster desktops and Adobe will use the opportunity to put some new gift wrapping on the CS4.

    just thinking out loud.

    best regards

    I had totally missed the
    widows part, Ann. :D

    %26gt; Adobe will use the opportunity to put some new gift wrapping on the CS4.

    Converting Photoshop to a 64-bit version can hardly be called ''gift wrapping''! It's a bit more involved than putting it in a new box. B)

    %26gt; It's a bit more involved than putting it in a new box.

    agreed, but an 18-24 month product lifecycle offers some headroom for re-development, especially since Adobe has been aware of the Cocoa situation for almost 1 year already. I'm no software engineer but it seems that the timeline is doable before the next CS release, since there is a potential total 2.5-3 years between the Cocoa announcement and CS5.

    In conjunction with the 64bit question, John Nack has already mentioned transitional PS products that Adobe has released in the past such as 2.5 when there was a 68%26gt;PPC upgrade, or the upgrade for G5 when that evolved. He hasn't committed to any timeline or any specific CS for a 64bit version, except that it's been pursued since the Carbon%26gt;Cocoa announcement.

    .... it was just a thought, and there are both product, marketing and external issues that might keep it on the table for discussion.



    It involves pretty much a complete rebuilding of the application, not just swapping out some processing module, so a mid-cycle release may not be practical.


    My guess is that despite the praises from a few fangirls like Ann (who are countered by silly issues like lost Contact Sheet functionality), the overpriced upgrade cost CS3--%26gt;CS4 has significantly limited upgrade sales. E.g. it is the first upgrade that I did not immediately purchase - - and that was
    before the recession was in full swing.

    Product test cycles cost money. In a recession/depression tightening the upgrade cycle to achieve an x.5 release would not make a lot of sense unless it was used as an opportunity to lower price. If the engineering is complete it would make more sense to accelerate the full CS5 upgrade by a few months and offer CS5 at lower more realistic pricing.

    Adobe apps and top Mac towers provide a marketing synergy when Adobe and Apple manage to get the timing
    and pricing right. CS5 performance running under Snow Leopard on new Nehalem-based Mac Pros would offer a compelling reason to upgrade to all three (MP, 10.6, CS5) if all are priced reasonably.

    Only a very significant price cut will sell Creative Suite upgrades at this point. After all, CS3 is a very good app, and trying to drive upgrade sales by limiting things like ACR upgrades to CS4 just drives folks like me further into Aperture, C1, NX2, etc. workflows.

    %26gt; It involves pretty much a complete rebuilding of the application, not just swapping out some processing module, so a mid-cycle release may not be practical.

    CS5 will be a feature bump to the new CS4 interface... add-ons. So a mid cycle upgrade would allow Adobe to push towards the later portion of the CS cycle to release CS5 and extend the sales of CS4.5 (which becomes the current product, not an upgrade from CS4 but from CS3)

    %26gt;Only a very significant price cut will sell CS4 upgrades at this point.

    that may be the point, if CS4 isn't selling with the exception of new boxes/seats, then CS4.5 becomes an economical way (for Adobe) of extending the time between CS4 and CS5, and... gives a reason to make a first purchase into the CS4/4.5 suite.

    If CS4 was a 64bit app, whether it was a substantial speed increase or not I would guess that more upgrades would be sold, and more MacPro's etc. So there is reason from both Adobe and Apple to make it happen.

    %26gt;CS5 performance on Snow Leopard running under new Nehalem-based Mac Pros would offer a compelling reason to upgrade both if both are priced reasonably.

    is Adobe going to wait for 18 months to release CS5 to increase sales... I don't think so.

    %26gt;just drives folks like me further into Aperture, C1, NX2, etc. workflows.

    lack of real competition always creates havoc with the marketplace.

    %26gt;countered by silly issues like lost Contact Sheet functionality.

    Contact Sheets are still included: you can make them in Bridge; AND you can still make them in Photoshop CS5 if you install the optional Plug-ins and Scripts.

    Anyone who uses a digital camera is REALLY missing out if they don't install CS4 if for no other reason (and there are A LOT of other reasons!) than to get ACR 5.2 and Bridge CS4.

    Isn't it strange that those that are knocking CS4 the most vocally, don't actually seem to have bought it?!

    The Grapes are much sweeter than you think!


    MacWright, read this and you will see that the 64bit version will not happen till CS5.

    %26gt;Isn't it strange that those that are knocking CS4 the most vocally, don't actually seem to have bought it?!

    I have the CS4 extended suite.... but because my clients will not be updating it creates a long term complicated workflow issue, so CS3 will be on my computer for quite a while.

    %26gt;will not happen till CS5.

    I spent far too much time ''discussing'' the idea of feathered paths in PS a couple years ago on this forum and nobody thought that was going to happen. Oops, it's in CS4. Things happen, things change. I didn't read anything absolute in that article except that it wasn't going to happen in CS4, maybe CS4.5 or an earlier than normal cycle to deliver CS5? I'm just chatting about the future. that's all and now its time for me to sign off for awhile.

    best regards everyone.

    %26gt;Contact Sheets are still included: you can make them in Bridge; AND you can still make them in Photoshop CS5 if you install the optional Plug-ins and Scripts.

    Of course there are workarounds like opening another app that unlike you some of us do not like, but unless one finds and jumps through new hoops

    i Contact Sheet functionality

    was lost.

    I agree it is a silly thing, no kind of a deal breaker but each issue like that adds up when deciding whether or not to endure the learning curve and (in the case of CS4 very expensive) upgrade cost. Just like you and I both have skipped the OS 10.5 upgrade.

    %26gt;Anyone who uses a digital camera is REALLY missing out if they don't install CS4 if for no other reason (and there are A LOT of other reasons!) than to get ACR 5.2 and Bridge CS4.

    As a long-time PS user but very nouveau DSLR person

    i you

    think Bridge is great and that somehow ACR is better than all the other RAW conversions. I do not doubt that for many old film scan PS hands Bridge is a good choice, but for many (IMO most) modern DSLR users Aperture, LR or other choices are superior to Bridge/ACR.

    %26gt;Isn't it strange that those that are knocking CS4 the most vocally, don't actually seem to have bought it?!

    Not strange at all. Why pay a $600 upgrade if you are not convinced that $600 of value-add is provided? Especially when CS3 remains a fully competent suite of apps and historically ACR has
    not provided the best RAW conversions.

    Never mind ''historically'' have you actually tried ACR 5.2?


    And regarding ''other converters'': I did try Capture NX2 and found it to be far too slow and unwieldy and to offer no advantages over ACR.

    I probably also think that Bridge is great because it integrates all of the applications within the Suite.

    I can put all of the files (of what ever kind) that are needed for a project into a single Collection and then use a single window as a Command Post when flitting between ACR, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat and Web-authoring applications.

    The way that Collections now work is another one of the compelling new features in Bridge CS4 as far as I am concerned.


    Adobe lawyers and bean counters will simply NOT allow any new features to be added in a dot release, period. They cite
    ''legal reasons'' for it. So any new feature, no matter how small, will have to wait for CS5. It's that simple.

    %26gt;also think that Bridge is great because it integrates all of the applications within the Suite.

    and even some applications outside the suite. ;)

    %26gt;Adobe lawyers and bean counters will simply NOT allow any new features to be added in a dot release, period.

    but it's been done before.

    %26gt;John Nack says: I can offer a little bit of history, though. When Apple moved from 68k processors to the PowerPC, Adobe offered a free update to PS 2.5. (Quark, as I recall, charged handsomely for the equivalent update.) Later, when the G5 came out, we offered a free update to Photoshop 7, even though CS1 was just six weeks off. (It would have been easy to say, ''Well, to get that update, you have to buy the new version,'' but that's not how we wanted to roll.) Then when the PPC-%26gt;Intel transition happened, the scope of the changes were too great to offer that kind of update, but I was able to persuade the company to do something it had never tried: releasing a public beta of Photoshop so that all current customers could get native performance six months earlier than would otherwise have been possible. It was quite a gamble, but it was the right thing to do.

    %26gt;Ps 2.5

    That was eons ago. Adobe was a different corporation back then, not the mammoth bureaucracy with over 5,000 employees it is today. Today's legal department is probably larger than the whole of Adobe was back then.

    %26gt;Ps 7

    A free update of a dying application is quite different from a dot release.

    Besides, Adobe has already stated there will not be a 64-bit version of Photoshop for the Mac before CS5

    at the earliest

    Hi Ram贸n,

    I'm definitely not saying that your thoughts are wrong, but that it's not the same economic environment that it was back in April '08 when we last heard about Adobe's plans.

    Adobe has said (in '08) that it wasn't going to happen in the CS4 release. If CS4 stalls, there might be 1 or 2 meetings in San Jose to re-evaluate the plan.

    I think we've played this one out, let's meet back here in 8 months and see how the market has evolved. We can sit back, put our feet on the desk and dream about Adobes next move.


    8 months from now will be a full year since the release of CS4. The life cycle of CS3 was 18 months.

    Your expectations are wishful dreaming.

    %26gt; it was back in April '08 when we last heard about Adobe's plans

    Nope. It was in late October.

    But this is a totally useless, mindless exchange. I'm killing my participation right here.

    %26gt;a totally useless, mindless exchange

    don't take things so seriously : )

    my original original thread was about the thought behind the ''ideal range'' calculation and whether this is an updated process. Since there's no real tech support on this forum it morphed into a different conversation........ just a conversation.


    %26gt;just a conversation.

    Right, a mindless one. ;)

    How to read/open Adobe Photoshop CS3...

    In which Programming language Adobe Photoshop CS3 Prefs.psp are written?

    Extend Toolscript wont open and in text edit is just cryptic hireoglyphs.

    Thans in advance!
    How to read/open Adobe Photoshop CS3...
    No, it's a binary format internal to the application.

    You should not be editing the prefs files.
    How to read/open Adobe Photoshop CS3...
    why not? i'd do it at my own risk!

    i can delete it if PS would be screwed up and it recreates a new one at startup.

    do you have something to hide i shall not read?

    i'm refering with this thread to the PAR discussion i've started around here in the forum. pardon me Mr. Cox, but as a paying customer i'm not willed to accept that way to work with PAR in PS as it is.

    In AE there's an (unsupported) solution, so there must be a way for PS too.

    %26gt;do you have something to hide i shall not read?

    Good grief! Chris is more likely concerned with you painting yourself into a digital corner than hiding corporate secrets.


    %26gt;do you have something to hide i shall not read?

    Good grief! Chris is more likely concerned with you inadvertently painting yourself into a digital corner (i.e., messing up your software) than hiding corporate secrets.


    ''You should not be editing the prefs files.''

    Question to anyone:

    Does PS CS4 allow users to create their own New Document Presets that will include and display custom guidelines?

    If not, that's one GREAT reason one might want to get in and edit one of those files we're cautioned against mucking about with.

    %26gt; Good grief! Chris is more likely concerned with you inadvertently painting yourself into a digital corner (i.e., messing up your software) than hiding corporate secrets.

    calm down, i got Chris intention behind his reply, ok.

    I just want to resolve the goofs with PAR in PS, thats all, that's my biggest wish, because that scary thing has become solved for me via preference file in AE.

    I'm not willed to accept the momentary circumstance. i bet this issue is something that could be solved by someone inbetween a break for a pee.

    that's it. nothing less, nothing more.

    %26gt;could be solved by someone inbetween a break for a pee.

    Considering this statement I would say it is one long pee you are taking or you do not really know what you think you know.

    It is not to hard to open the preferences and if you do not know how to even do that then how would you handle the alteration. Most likely not too well.

    Incase you are interested it is a very simple task, if you know just a little bit.

    If someone figured this out for AE and did not address it in Photoshop doesn't that tell you something very valuable?

    In case you can't figure out what I mean, they would have done the same to Photoshop if they could.

    %26gt; Considering this statement I would say it is one long pee you are taking or you do not really know what you think you know.

    I know my craft as an editor and compositor and i'm using my skills and knowledge about how to use software to achive tasks that someone else would consume hours, days or even weeks to accomplish.

    Adobe developers know their craft, they've programmed that piece of software and they exactly know the lines of codes and variables and were the triggers are.

    I rather believe that nobody cares because what i believe is, that the jar of requests is not full enough to slop over.

    these discussions are making me tired coz this is a fight inbetween David and Goliath, but Goliath wins.

    %26gt; Incase you are interested it is a very simple task, if you know just a little bit.

    again, it's not my craft, so i don't know anything and this is frustrating.

    Boosting Resolution of Photoshop...

    New to CS4...

    I'm doing from scratch illustrative work and I think I lost my higher resolution settings during a file name change......I noticed significantly more pixilation than what's usually present when my work is increased in magnification with my Wacom tablet. Is there a way to go directly to the window that deals with resolution size/quality which says something like ''smaller'' to ''larger in a sliding scale and which seems to have a numerical scale that corresponds with this that maxes out at ''12''?. I want to re-apply maximum resolution settings to the re-named project so it can eventually be printed at maximum physical size. I'm usually presented with this window automatically the first time I save changes to a project in CS4 but not in subsequent work sessions with the project...

    Thanks in advance...
    Boosting Resolution of Photoshop...
    There might be a little confusion regarding file resolution in Photoshop.

    For an original images entirely generated in Photoshop, you will set the resolution parameters in the New Image dialog box. You can't change the file resolution simply by renaming. You would have had to actually use the Image Size dialog to do that.

    While you can use the Image Size dialog to change the pixel dimension of your document, you probably won't be happy with the results, as you'll be asking Photoshop to guess as what the new intermediate pixels should be.

    The best advice would to start over with a new file generated from the beginning with the proper resolution for your intended output.
    Boosting Resolution of Photoshop...
    And if you will be needing the file at different resolutions (such as for print reproduction and for Web), always create the art at the highest resolution you will need. Then make a copy with a non-confusing new name for a lower res version and save it.



    %26gt;Is there a way to go directly to the window that deals with resolution size/quality which says something like ''smaller'' to ''larger in a sliding scale and which seems to have a numerical scale that corresponds with this that maxes out at ''12''?

    Sounds like you are working in .jpg format. Don't create art this way, as it is lossy. That is, every time you open-save-close-open a file, you are losing file information, replacing it with artifacts (garbage). Work in a non-lossy format, such as .psd or .tif. You can always do a copy and save as a .jpg if you need it (for email or Web, for example).

    %26gt;I want to re-apply maximum resolution settings

    Only if you have been using smart objects.


    Thanks all. I'll do some more concentrated study on this as your replies have answered some aspects of what I'm dealing with and also left me with a new batch of questions which isn't a bad thing...

    Neil,...Sorry for what's probably a beginner's question that's probably been answered a billion times here but, here goes: The way I work is to draw in large format (off the computer on newsprint with vine charcoal) and then photo the large sketch and export it from iPhoto to CS4 to finish working it as a painting. What is the procedure for getting these into CS4 in one of the non-lossy formats you mentioned?

    Just bypass iPhoto. If your camera shoots RAW and/or TIFF, use that in Photoshop.

    If your camera only shoots JPEGs, open the images in Photoshop and immediately save as PSDs or TIFFs, before doing any work on them.

    If you have CS4, it's virtually a crime to be using iPhoto anyway.

    If you are just shooting a sketch as a guide with a digital camera just keep doing that the same.

    Once you have opened your Jpeg in photoshop, size it to the dimensions and resolution you want the finished image to be. Uprezing at this stage will not hurt anything as the sketch is only a guide.

    Now do a save as a PSD or TIF. This way you can keep resaving the file and you are not destroying the file every time you save it again. Also saving as a PSD or TIF allows you to save with layers.

    Let me see if I'm understanding things correctly thus far (and this encompasses some info that strays slightly from this thread). If I'm creating art in CS4 from sketches brought into CS4 as JPEGs with the end intent of having large-ish scale Giclee prints done, I should:

    - save the work at any unfinished stage (but preferably early on) as a .tif or PSD file

    - up the size/resolution at any unfinished stage (but preferably early on) to something that will be more than adequate for the intended print size.

    - choose the ''CMY-something-or-other'' option rather than the RGB option early on in the project rather if not at the very beginning (or can this be simply switched over at any point?).

    %26gt; save the work at any unfinished stage (but preferably early on) as a .tif or PSD file

    No this is the second thing you do before any work is done.

    %26gt;up the size/resolution at any unfinished stage

    No this is the very first thing you do then you save in a non lossy format.

    %26gt;choose the ''CMY-something-or-other'' option rather than the RGB option early on in the project rather if not at the very beginning

    No. Always work in RGB the only time you convert to CMYK is when you need to and then only on a copy leaving the original RGB.

    The application photoshop quit...

    Hello,%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;Some help please. Using photoshop CS3. Great program no problems with it. Just an irritating notice everytime i exit the program. The Apple error reporting dialog comes up. I have an iMac 24'', with 4 gb ram, ATI Radeon 2600 graphics card, the 2.4 ghz dual core model, running Mac OSX 10.5.1 . The report reads as follows from my console program.%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:57:59 PM Bridge CS3[222] *** -[NSConditionLock dealloc]: lock (%26lt;NSConditionLock: 0x18563460%26gt; '(null)') deallocated while still in use %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:57:59 PM Bridge CS3[222] *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug. %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:57:59 PM Bridge CS3[222] *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (%26lt;NSLock: 0x185633e0%26gt; '(null)') unlocked when not locked %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:57:59 PM Bridge CS3[222] *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug. %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:57:59 PM Bridge CS3[222] *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (%26lt;NSLock: 0x18564030%26gt; '(null)') unlocked when not locked %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:57:59 PM Bridge CS3[222] *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug. %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:57:59 PM Bridge CS3[222] *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (%26lt;NSLock: 0x18563f90%26gt; '(null)') unlocked when not locked %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:57:59 PM Bridge CS3[222] *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug. %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:58:09 PM Adobe Photoshop CS3[178] *** -[NSConditionLock dealloc]: lock (%26lt;NSConditionLock: 0x2d4a690%26gt; '(null)') deallocated while still in use %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:58:09 PM Adobe Photoshop CS3[178] *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug. %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:58:09 PM Adobe Photoshop CS3[178] *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (%26lt;NSLock: 0x2d4a600%26gt; '(null)') unlocked when not locked %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:58:09 PM Adobe Photoshop CS3[178] *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug. %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:58:09 PM Adobe Photoshop CS3[178] *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (%26lt;NSLock: 0x178dfdd0%26gt; '(null)') unlocked when not locked %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:58:09 PM Adobe Photoshop CS3[178] *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug. %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:58:09 PM Adobe Photoshop CS3[178] *** -[NSLock unlock]: lock (%26lt;NSLock: 0x178dfd90%26gt; '(null)') unlocked when not locked %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:58:09 PM Adobe Photoshop CS3[178] *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug. %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:58:09 PM Adobe Photoshop CS3[178] Internal error unloading bundle CFBundle 0x1ae5f290 %26lt;/Library/Image Capture/TWAIN Data Sources/EPSON CX7300_CX7400_DX7400.ds%26gt; (bundle, loaded) %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:58:09 PM [0x0-0x1d01d].com.adobe.Photoshop[178] Adobe Photoshop CS3(178,0xa0358720) malloc: *** error for object 0x1e714930: Non-aligned pointer being freed (2) %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:58:09 PM [0x0-0x1d01d].com.adobe.Photoshop[178] *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug %26lt;br /%26gt;01/02/09 3:58:22 PM[75] ([0x0-0x1d01d].com.adobe.Photoshop[178]) Exited abnormally: Segmentation fault %26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;Does anybody know what this means. I am irritated that $700 program doesn't come with support and closes like this. I thank you for any time you spend reading this.%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;Thanks,%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;NickThe application photoshop quit...
    %26gt;running Mac OSX 10.5.1

    No one should be running that very buggy version of the OS. Update to 10.5.6 ASAP.

    Try removing the TWAIN plug-in or at least disabling it by typing a tilde ~ in front of its file name. Scan outside of Photoshop.

    Look for a corrupted saved Workspace.

    Repair permissions. (See next post.)
    The application photoshop quit...
    I still advocate Repairing Permissions (with Apple's Disk Utility) before AND after any system update or upgrade, as well as before AND after installing any software that requires an installer that asks for your password.

    I have seen software installations go sour because the installer did not find everything as and where it should be.

    I have also seen software installations go bad because the installer did not clean up after itself properly and did not leave everything as and where it should be.

    This is just my own personal opinion and practice based on my own observations. Others may disagree and that's OK. I can only base my routines and my advice to others on my own experience and conclusion. I don't pretend to know why others believe otherwise.

    Repairing Permissions after the fact (i. e. not immediately before and after an install) may NOT help. Try it anyway, though.


    Additionally, if your machine does not run 24/7 so that it runs the daily, weekly and monthly Cron Scripts in the middle of the night as intended by Apple, run Cocktail (shareware) as well.

    Cron Scripts are maintenance routines designed by Apple to run on a daily, weekly and monthly basis in the middle of the night.

    If you don't run them, you WILL run into trouble, sooner rather than later.

    Here's an excerpt from the Apple tech doc

    Mac OS X performs background maintenance tasks at certain times if the computer is not in sleep mode. If your computer is shut down or in sleep at the designated times, the maintenance does not occur. In that case, you may want or need to run these manually.

    Mac OS X periodically runs background tasks that, in part, remove system files that are no longer needed. This includes purging older information from log files or deleting certain temporary items. These tasks do not run if the computer is shut down or in sleep mode. If the tasks do not run, it is possible that certain log files (such as system.log) may become very large.

    Also, from:

    The disk activity generated by find is a normal part of file system maintenance, used for tasks such as removing invisible temporary files that are used by the system. It is scheduled to occur early in the morning at 03:15 everyday, 04:30 on Saturdays, and 05:30 on the first day of each month.

    There have been comments to the effect that Apple ''fixed'' this in 10.4.2 and later versions of the OS, but I have not been able to verify this to my satisfaction. The reference in the 10.4.2 release notes are far from explicit on this subject.

    = = =

    If you have DiskWarrior, run it regularly too.

    Deleting multiple layers in CS1


    Is there a way to delete more than one layer at a time?

    Deleting multiple layers in CS1
    Shift-click or Command-click in the layers panel to highlight the layers you want, then drag them to the trash can at the bottom of the Layers Palette.

    At least I think that feature was added in CS.
    Deleting multiple layers in CS1
    No, it wasn't. CS 2 I think.

    Just turn off visibility on the Layers you don't want and choose Delete Hidden Layers from the flyout. Or link the ones you don't want and choose Delete Linked Or put them in a set and trash the set.

    Thanks much!

    CS4 keyboard shortcut for Red, Green...

    the keyboard shortcut with the curve and level dialogue window is ''option+3 or 4 or 5 (for Red, Green or Blue respectively. This is awkward for the fingers. Can i change it to Command+3 or 4 or 5???

    A fried can use either option or command, but on my computer, only the option seems to work.

    I have a desktop Mac G5 duo 2.5 Ghz PowerPC

    4.5 GB Ram, two internal hard drives

    an empty scratch disk
  • lips
  • Photoshop CS4 Student Edition

    I am interested in purchasing Photoshop CS4 student edition. I live in the States and my operating system is a Mac OSX 10.4 Tiger. It's also an intel. Anyway, I know a graphic designer who told me you can't use the program for commercial use and also you can only install the disc one time. What constitutes commercial use? If I buy a new computer, will I be able to install PSCS4 again or transfer the files?

    Thank you!
    Photoshop CS4 Student Edition
    You can use the program for whatever you want.

    %26gt;If I buy a new computer, will I be able to install PSCS4 again or transfer the files?

    You can deactivate the other copy, then install from the original media on the new box. DO NOT
    transfer the program files, ever; always install from the original media.

    The license is for one user, two computers that are not used simultaneously, e.g. a laptop and a desktop box.

    You can read the EULA on the Adobe web site. Do a search.
    Photoshop CS4 Student Edition

    %26gt;You can use the program for whatever you want.

    I thought that was for an Academic version, not a Student version. AFAIK, Student versions cannot be used for commercial work.



    Commercial use is if you use if for business, such as for doing billable work.



    I'm not aware of the difference between
    Academic and
    Student versions of Photoshop, if it exists at all.

    This is what I found at the Adobe store:
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;a href='''' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
    %26lt;img alt=''Picture hosted by Pixentral'' src='''' border=''0'' /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt; I couldn't find any reference to
    %26lt;i%26gt;commercial use%26lt;/i%26gt;.


    This was posted by another Host:

    Neil Keller, ''Student Edition vs Academic Version(CS4)'' #2, 24 Dec 2008 8:36 pm



    This was posted by another Host:

    Student Edition vs Academic Version(CS4)''

    I also tried to find licensing for these two products. What I can tell you is that Bob tends to do a good job at researching stuff.


    Thanks, Neil.

    Looks like this thing with the
    Student edition is a new modality offered by Adobe. At least the Adobe store makes a big to do about its being ''NEW!''.

    Thanks for your help guys. I think the student edition would be the best for me to purchase at this point in time.

    Lightroom to PS CS4

    I have two problems at the moment. Since upgrading to CS4 I cannot link to Bridge, the message is ''Photoshop unable to find java script plug-in''. I can open Bridge from the Applications folder but not from Photoshop. The other problem that has suddenly occurred, I say suddenly because I could get a photo from Lightroom 2.2 to edit in PS CS4 but now I can't. I am running G5 with OS10:5.6 installed.
    Lightroom to PS CS4
    Try trashing your Bridge, Photoshop and Lightroom prefs..

    Have you moved or renamed anything from where CS4 installed it by default?

    And have you Repaired Permissions since you installed new software?
    Lightroom to PS CS4
    I have repaired permissions, I have not moved anything. How do I trash preferences? Thanks Ann.

    %26gt;How do I trash preferences?

    Read the FAQs of this forum or this Adobe tech note:

    Deactivating CS2

    I recently sold my Mac that had PS (CS2) on it. I did a reinstall of the OS (returning it back to it's ''new'' state) and built the machine up from scratch. I have not reinstalled CS2 on any machine and have no use for it moving forward. I wanted to know if my copy of CS2 is deactivated or do I need to do something else to deactivate it?
    Deactivating CS2
    If you did not deactivate it before wiping the drive, it is not deactivated. you would need to reinstall on that machine and hard drive fire it up then deactivate.
    Deactivating CS2

    My hard drive died. I did not have the opportunity to deactivate when the drive died. I would like to reinstall CS2 on my new hard drive on my old machine or install anew on a new machine.

    I can not figure out how to install CS2. When I install I get an invalid serial number message even though I have the packaging in front of me and I know it is correct.

    Are there two problems here? the installation and the s# error?


    You need to call Adobe Customer Service in order to fix this problem they should be able to get you going again.

    CS2 - Canon iP5200R, A5 printing problem

    Hi, I have an A5 document I would like to print to A5 card. I cannot get it to print how it looks on the screen though, it always prints at the top right hand side of the sheet, with only the bottom and left hand side parts of the image being printed. Does anyone know why this is? Not sure which information you would need to help me but ask and I'll let you know.

    It's for Wedding cards, so need to be done pretty quickly :/ Thanks in advance,

    CS2 - Canon iP5200R, A5 printing problem

    %26gt;Not sure which information you would need to help me but ask and I'll let you know.

    For the future, you should review this topic:
    How To Get Help Quickly. It's right at the top of the main Photoshop/Mac page.

    Please post pertinent info about your computer, OS, and in your case, most important, your printer. Offhand, it appears to be a printer setup or preferences setting (size or position).

    It would be helpful to us if you could take screenshots of all of your page setup and print settings and link to them on your server, or use the free


    ''Could not save (file name) because the...


    When I tried save as a file, I get an error msg:

    ''Could not save (file name) because the file is already in use or left open.''

    The file is not open anywhere accept Photoshop.

    Mac Pro, OSX 10.5.6

    Photoshop CS4.

    I searched the forum but could not find anything even though i'm sure someone already asked it.

    would love to get a solution for that.

    thank you,

    ''Could not save (file name) because the...
    Try ''Saving As'' to a new name.
    ''Could not save (file name) because the...
    thank you, yes, i know the workaround but this will create another file and this is not what i want or need :)

    It may be what you will have to have if you want to save that file!


    You can always delete the first file and re-name the second one after you have saved it.

    This is a repeated issue in photoshop,

    I would love to solve it for once.:)

    It may be another Leopard-related problem because I have never seen it happen on my G5 on OSX 10.4.11.

    You are not working across a network from a Server are you?

    Try closing your ''Preview'' application. If you are like me and you set psd's to automatically open in Preview rather than Photoshop for easy and quick viewing purposes, it will not allow Photoshop to save if the file is also opened in it.

    I'd also guess that the file is open or in use via another application.


    As I wrote, it is not open anywhere.

    I just copied it from my camera card to my pictures folder, looked at it inBridge and opened it in Photoshop.

    This is an old issue

    Just google it and you'll see i'm not the only one...

    [long URL replaced]


    (i just saw there is a link to the same issue in CS3 here how come I was unable o locate it when i searched here?)

    If Photoshop says the file is open - then some external process has left the file open. It has nothing to do with it being open in Photoshop, or even in Bridge. This has happened sometimes when Spotlight had bugs (which have come up more than once, and been fixed in OS dot releases).

    The external process could be another application, or an OS service like Spotlight.

    As for being in use in other apps, as I recall, if I have, for example, a QuarkXPress page open; one that contains a graphic now open in Photoshop, and I wish to edit and save that file, I will get a similar message.


    I have seen this problem with 10.5 and Adobe CS3 in interaction with Quark 7.5

    If you make a new account for testing, you should see that (with the same files, copied to /Users/Shared and then to the new account Desktop) the issue does not occur.

    I haven't pinpointed the exact file/s in question, but after setting aside the ~/Library/Preferences/Quark

    folder, and all user-level prefs with ''adobe'' in the name, the issue was resolved.

    Ruler Tool Disappears when starting...

    Is there a way to have the ruler tool remain visible once it has been created and you proceed to use another tool, e.g. I would like to use the ruler to tool as a guide to place lines, but when I select the brush tool to draw the line, the ruler ''line'' becomes invisible. Any ideas?
    Ruler Tool Disappears when starting...
    I assume you're talking about the Measure Tool (grouped in the Toolbox with the Eyedropper and Color Sampler Tools).
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;What you hope for can't be done.
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;One workaround would be to pull out guidelines that intersect at both ends of the measurement you've made.
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;This points to another good reason the Guidelines functions could use a some enhancements.
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;br /%26gt;(Click small image below to see full size)
    %26lt;br /%26gt;
    %26lt;a href='''' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
    %26lt;img alt=''Picture hosted by Pixentral'' src='''' border=''0'' /%26gt;
    Ruler Tool Disappears when starting...
    Thanks for the info!

    Have you tried Free Ruler?
  • lips
  • Pixelated Thumbnails


    I'm using Photoshop 6 on a desktop iMac G3 OS 10.3.9

    For some reason the thumbnails of all pictures

    worked on and saved in photoshop are pixelated (well -

    just plain degraded, really) compared to the normally

    acceptable thumbnail that represents the original

    picture file. (I didn't have this problem when I was

    using the same photoshop 6 on an earlier desktop with

    OS 8.6 some years ago). The problem's the same whether

    saving as jpg psd or tif files.

    Editing and saving in iPhoto or any other application

    produces perfectly fine thumbnails.

    Can anyone help?


    Pixelated Thumbnails

    As you're probably aware, PS6 is an ancient (8-year-old) version of Photoshop, combined with an old operating system. So help for this, as can be best remembered, may be rather sparse now.

    %26gt;I didn't have this problem when I was using the same photoshop 6 on an earlier desktop with OS 8.6 some years ago

    One thing to remember is that PS6 was released before and never designed for use under a later, radically different OS, like Mac OS 10.3.9, and there may not be a solution.

    About the only thing I can suggest for your existing setup is that if you haven't updated to PS 6.0.1, you should do that. You can still download that update at:

    Maybe someone else has an idea.

    But, is there a reason (other than possibly monetary) that you have kept this old setup, and have not updated hardware, software and software? My concern is that support is only going to get more difficult for you with every passing day.

    Pixelated Thumbnails
    Are you actually running PS6 on OSX 10.3.9 (I don't think that one can?); or are you running it under the subsidiary Mac Classic?

    Thumbnails are always pixelated in Mac Classic.

    Photoshop 6.x only runs in Classic under OS X.

    Photoshop 7.x was the first version to run natively in OS X.

    Double images in photo kiosks

    When I take my USB stick to a photo kiosk (Kodak, Fuji) and try and select the images I want, everytime I am presented with two of every image. Let us assume I only have one image on the stick called ZZZZ. I will be presented with two images in the photo kiosk: ZZZZ and _ZZZZ, the latter, if I accidentally select it for printing, will print very badly with extreme pixellation, almost as if the preview image is being used.

    I can handle the workaround myself, but other people come to me for burning images to CD, and sometimes they come back and say the images printed badly. i.e they selected the wrong image in the photo kiosk. I'm giving myself a bad name!

    My question is: why do I get two images coming up, and is it possible, by changing some preference or setting within PS, to get rid of the problem image?
    Double images in photo kiosks
    Is it a Mac-to-PC problem? For me the PC always shows a ''.file.jpg'' for every ''file.jpg''. But that's not the previews and can't be printed. How large are these _files?
    Double images in photo kiosks

    %26gt;My question is: why do I get two images coming up, and is it possible, by changing some preference or setting within PS, to get rid of the problem image?

    This sounds like it may be an OS interface issue, not a Photoshop issue. That doesn't make it any less a real problem. But I don't see any Photoshop setting that would stop the duplication.

    How are the USB memory and CDs formated? Maybe there's a clue there.


    Thanks for the responses. In answer:

    1. It might be a Mac to PC problem, but I haven't tried that. It is a Mac to Photo Kiosk problem. I'll try taking the stick to a friend's PC or use the photo store's PC.

    2. These extra files can definitely be printed. I've seen the results, and the Photo Kiosk warns you that they are below acceptable resolution -- but still my friends have printed them accidentally.

    3. The USB stick is formatted (according to Disk Utility) as MS-DOS File System (FAT 16).

    To me it seems that the Photo Kiosk is reading the internal preview image. Maybe I should try and turn off preview image.

    Windoze boxes often interpret the resource fork of a Mac file as a separate file.

    I wonder if these are preview images. But in thinking this through, on at least one occasion, I recall a Windows recipient asking me about an ''extra'' file I had included in a file transmission.


    I have heard the same thing too from Windows people. The small files may just be a separate thumbnail or screen icon?

    The best thing would be to instruct the recipients to print ONLY the larger version of the two files.

    If you burn to a CD, do they complain about getting double images?

    In Preferences I've just selected Image Previews %26gt; Never Save, and I'm now off to the Photo Kiosk. I'll let you know what happens.

    I took in my USB stick this afternoon and thought I might come up with something conclusive. However, my intention was thrawted by another daft aspect of Fuji Photo Kiosks. I had only a dozen or so images, all with Preview turned off, but the Photo Kiosk a minute or so to load several hundred images. It was rounding up all the images in the trash.

    I brought this up with the attendent and he told the story of person turning up with an 8GB stick and a few dozen images to print, only to find thousands of old images coming up from the trash. There is no solution in that case but to go home and empty the trash (unless the attendant lets you plug in your USB stick to his computer).

    In summary, I did not see any sus files associated with the images I wanted to print, so maybe these kiosks are reading the preview as separate images. But it was hard to tell because there were so many images on the kiosk.

    My next step is to go back with a completely blank USB stick, except for two images: one with Preview on and one with Preview off. And I'll do the same with a CDRW.

    I'm nail this problem yet.

    %26gt;Windoze boxes often interpret the resource fork of a Mac file as a separate file.

    That's a bit backwards. Mac writes the double file so it can be read back to Mac from a non-HFS disk.

    Tahnk you Mr. Jordan. I've wondered for a long time what caused those extra ''_'' files.

    OSX has been killing off the traditional resource/data forks in a single file that we used up to OS9 so we need to get away from thinking that data and resource forks are packed in one file. 'Windoze', Windows,

    and Mac
    interpret the resource and data forks of a Mac file as separate files
    because they are separate files. If you switch OSX's Finder to display all files, you will see these ._ files all over your internal HFS drive.

    If you want to clean them up, just enable Finder's file visibility and delete them from the DOS disk. You can also use an app
    like this.

    Thanks everyone.

    This solves the problem - so easy

    Just to confirm what gets rid of those double-images in a photo kiosk, this is what I do now before I take files on a USB stick for printing:

    1. In Photoshop I go to Preferences %26gt; File Handling %26gt; Image Preview %26gt; NEVER SAVE.

    2. Empty trash on the USB stick.

    3. Change Image Preview back to what it was originally.

    It's a pain to remember to do it each time, but it works.

    PS animation trouble.....

    Very strange...when attempting to add one, or any of my layers into the animation box, i am only able to duplicate the existing frame that is already in the animation box......and i never put it there in the first place...

    the frame seems to be uneditable, except if i want to repeat the layer.......

    Ive also tried dragging and/or importing the layers i want to use as animation, and am unable to get them to work or show up in an existing Photoshop file......


    thank you!
    PS animation trouble.....

    Please give us your system, OS, and PS stats so we know what kind of environment you're working in. And the size and type details of the images you are attempting to animate.

    Also, did you go through the Help menu/online help on how to do animations?

    PS animation trouble.....
    Hello, thanks for the reply!

    I work with a mac OS 10.5.6

    PhotoShop is CS2, V9.0.2

    I actually dont have a problem creating the animation...the issue is attempting to carry it over into an existing psd file.....

    Yes, I did look through the Help...

    Save the file you want to place and then go file place and select the file it will come in as a smart object but be a video sequence on a different layer. actually only worked when copying each frame, then pasting it in the new for some reason, my animation plays fine when in photoshop, but when i do ''save for web'', and do a preview in browser, the animation does not work.....

    thanks for all the help!

    File%26gt;Export%26gt;Render Video

    Save for the Web choose Gif as the format and you can preview the animation in the Save for the Web dialog they have animation controls to the right side.

    did that, and can preview the animation fine in image ready, but if the animations not showing up in the browser preview, thats not good.

    How are you trying to open the file in the browser?

    it is a quicktime is that correct? Or is ti a gif animation?

    it opens no problem, photoshop, save for web, then clicking on browser icon

    sorry...its a gif anima

    To edit the layer, you'll need to change it from indexed mode to RGB mode. That should let you edit them.

    thats how it is now.....problem is having/creating more than one animation on the same page/file