Monday, March 29, 2010

''Could not save (file name) because the...


When I tried save as a file, I get an error msg:

''Could not save (file name) because the file is already in use or left open.''

The file is not open anywhere accept Photoshop.

Mac Pro, OSX 10.5.6

Photoshop CS4.

I searched the forum but could not find anything even though i'm sure someone already asked it.

would love to get a solution for that.

thank you,

''Could not save (file name) because the...
Try ''Saving As'' to a new name.
''Could not save (file name) because the...
thank you, yes, i know the workaround but this will create another file and this is not what i want or need :)

It may be what you will have to have if you want to save that file!


You can always delete the first file and re-name the second one after you have saved it.

This is a repeated issue in photoshop,

I would love to solve it for once.:)

It may be another Leopard-related problem because I have never seen it happen on my G5 on OSX 10.4.11.

You are not working across a network from a Server are you?

Try closing your ''Preview'' application. If you are like me and you set psd's to automatically open in Preview rather than Photoshop for easy and quick viewing purposes, it will not allow Photoshop to save if the file is also opened in it.

I'd also guess that the file is open or in use via another application.


As I wrote, it is not open anywhere.

I just copied it from my camera card to my pictures folder, looked at it inBridge and opened it in Photoshop.

This is an old issue

Just google it and you'll see i'm not the only one...

[long URL replaced]


(i just saw there is a link to the same issue in CS3 here how come I was unable o locate it when i searched here?)

If Photoshop says the file is open - then some external process has left the file open. It has nothing to do with it being open in Photoshop, or even in Bridge. This has happened sometimes when Spotlight had bugs (which have come up more than once, and been fixed in OS dot releases).

The external process could be another application, or an OS service like Spotlight.

As for being in use in other apps, as I recall, if I have, for example, a QuarkXPress page open; one that contains a graphic now open in Photoshop, and I wish to edit and save that file, I will get a similar message.


I have seen this problem with 10.5 and Adobe CS3 in interaction with Quark 7.5

If you make a new account for testing, you should see that (with the same files, copied to /Users/Shared and then to the new account Desktop) the issue does not occur.

I haven't pinpointed the exact file/s in question, but after setting aside the ~/Library/Preferences/Quark

folder, and all user-level prefs with ''adobe'' in the name, the issue was resolved.

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