Friday, March 26, 2010

Lightroom 2.2 edit in Photoshop CS4...

Hello. I've tried to search for this topic in the frequently asked question, however I do not quite know how to enter it in the search field. I have a MacBook Pro 17'' and have PSCS4 and LR 2.2. Earlier I was opening an Olympus RAW file using the ''Edit in'' command in LR2.2. The photo would open in ACR and then I could tweak the setting, if need be, then it would open in Photoshop and I could use the all the filters. I believe, not sure, that it opened as a jpeg after I clicked the open image button in ACR. Now, when using ''Edit in...'' command it will open the photo as an Olympus RAW file, skipping ACR and I will only be able to use a few of the filters.

Was I mistaken when I opened the previous files as RAW then converted to jpeg in ACR? How can I open the RAW file as a Jpeg and roundtrip the whole affair?

I hope this was written clear enough.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Lightroom 2.2 edit in Photoshop CS4...
I'm not quite sure I understand you. But RAW files are not Jpegs and never will be. You can open a RAW file and save as a Jpeg.

Could it be that you are having your camera record a RAW file and a Jpeg and you are confusing them?
Lightroom 2.2 edit in Photoshop CS4...
%26gt; Earlier I was opening an Olympus RAW file using the ''Edit in'' command in LR2.2. The photo would open in ACR and then I could tweak the setting, if need be, ...

The Edit command in LR should take the RAW file directly to Photoshop - it shouldn't go into ACR at all.

%26gt; Now, when using ''Edit in...'' command it will open the photo as an Olympus RAW file, skipping ACR and I will only be able to use a few of the filters.

That's because you're converting it to a 16 bit file. Either change the mode to 8 bit in PS, or convert to an 8 bit file in the first place. (which you set up in LR's External Editor preference)


Doesn't that depend on how you have set your settings in Bridge CS4 and ACR? You can set them to open jpgs in ACR.

%26gt;You can set them to open jpgs in ACR.

Exactly, Thats why I asked if Chanti was shooting both RAW and Jpegs

%26gt; Doesn't that depend on how you have set your settings in Bridge CS4 and ACR? You can set them to open jpgs in ACR.

Yes, but what's the point of sending a jpeg from LR to ACR? There is none.

Regardless, if I set ACR/Bridge to open jpegs in ACR, and in Lightroom with a jpeg selected, Edit-in-Photoshop takes it directly to Photoshop.


But she says ''How can I open the RAW file as a Jpeg'' which leads me to believe that Chanti is shooting both RAW and Jpeg and does not know the difference.


Click on the blue type (which looks like an Internet Link) at the bottom of the ACR window because this determines how your files will be formatted when you Save a file from ACR.

When you click on it, you can change the settings that will be used when you hit ''Save''.

The Color Space that you choose from the blue type link will also affect the way that the Histogram displays your image data and clipping in ACR.

I think you've missed the part that she's starting out in

b Lightroom.

There is absolutely NO reason to take a file from Lightroom into ACR, jpeg or otherwise. I don't think it's even possible, regardless of how ACR is set up.

Her quote:

%26gt;Earlier I was opening an Olympus RAW file using the ''Edit in'' command in LR2.2. The photo would open in ACR and then I could tweak the setting,

makes no sense at all. (even if it actually is a jpeg)

I agree there's definitely some confusion ....

I think her goal is to end up with a jpeg after using the Edit in Photoshop command in LR. A file opened in PS from LR using EIP is still technically a RAW file ... until it's saved. The default Save behavior is either PSD or TIFF depending on LR's prefs. To save as a jpeg, you'd need to do a Save As from PS. I think her main problem is that the file is 16 bit - which prevents the jpeg option.


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