Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Photoshop CS3 crashes every time I try...


My Photoshop CS3 crashes every time I try ''safe as'' command, I am on OsX 10.5.6. I tried to reinstall the problem is still there, permissions are fixed, I have no idea what happened. It worked for years without problems and now all of the sudden that. The only change I did on the machine is to install PGP.

Any ideas??

Photoshop CS3 crashes every time I try...

PGP, as in hard disk encryption for a laptop? Maybe that's the incompatibility. What if you disable it?

Also, please report back with free hard disk space, computer, RAM, scratch disk space, etc....

Photoshop CS3 crashes every time I try...
Also note that there are some ''minor'' incompatibility issues of CS3 and Leopard.


Hi, thanks for answering.

It is not a notebook, but a MacPro 32GB RAM ( I think it should be enough) over 700GB for scratch and 160GB HD. I don't think that it is PGP, because the same configuration runs on my 2.6 Macbook Pro perfectly. By the way on the MacPro not problems with CS2.


Again, what happens if you disable PGP on the MacPro?

Note that CS2 and Leopard do not mix well -- were you actually running CS2 under Leopard and PGP on this computer?

Do you have the exact same OS running on both computers?


%26gt;It is not a notebook, but a MacPro 32GB RAM ( I think it should be enough) over 700GB for scratch and 160GB HD. I don't think that it is PGP, because the same configuration runs on my 2.6 Macbook Pro perfectly.

Understand that the two machines are not running
exactly the same configuration -- unless you've got 32GB RAM stuffed inside and have matching drives, applications, third-party software/utilities/plugins, OS, and application preference settings on both.

I'm trying to figure out what is different on the two systems.

Also, how did you prepare the computer when you ran upgrades? Did you run Disk Utility and DiskWarrior?


Yes, I do run preferences and unix maintenance after updates. And as I said CS2 works perfectly.

Now it is even funnier! I did some testing and tried to update, the installer quits as well and after patching Photoshop to 10.0.1 it crashes even when I try to open a file,

any ideas?


%26gt;The only change I did on the machine is to install PGP.

You still don't say what happens if you deactivate your encryption software.

Also, have you trashed Photoshop preferences? Or tried logging in as a new user?

Did you use the Adobe uninstaller to uninstall and then install Photoshop?


When I deactivated PGP there was the same result. Anyway I have to work with that and have not got the time to do much ''testing'' so I bought CS4 and everything seems to work fine with it.

Anyway thousend Thanks for your help.

Glad it works.


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