Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bridge buggy opening file in photoshop...

I have totally uninstalled (removing every bit!), re-installed, deleted prefs ad nauseum. If I start CS3 from the application icon (yes it is still in the default folder where I installed it *again* yesterday) all is well. If I try to open a photo from Bridge by right clicking I get two choices: open in Photoshop 10.0.1, or open in Photoshop 10.0.1 (default)

Why does the right click on either choice open a buggy problem? First I'm told the application moved (it didn't and deleting the prefs didn't help) then, whether I chose repair or not, it opens but tells me that all my filters didn't load and it lines my menu bar with at least a half dozen ''onOne'' menus. Then when I close I get the message that it quit unexpectedly.

I just had to go through a long process (thank you Adobe for the knowledge base!) getting my license to work again. Now I find there is some kind of communication problem between Bridge and CS3.

Maybe that's why Adobe stopped supporting older versions. The program has gotten too big and buggy?

If I drag the file from Bridge to the opened Photoshop (from the application folder) it opens perfectly. Since I have a work around, this isn't crucial, but I really wonder if anyone can explain the communication bug? Not much chance I'll spend the money for an upgrade to CS4. Especially since support will stop as soon as CS5 comes out. CS3 is buggy enough for me.

Bridge buggy opening file in photoshop...

Adobe Bridge Macintosh forum [CLICK HERE]

Adobe Camera Raw Forum [CLICK HERE]

Bridge 2.x (the version that ships with CS3) was and remains a dog. Read all about it and discuss it on the Bridge forum.
Bridge buggy opening file in photoshop...
You almost certainly need to use ''Purge Cache for this Folder'' (from Bridge's Tools menu) on each Bridge folder.

Ramon, I'll do that. I didn't even realize there was a Bridge forum. %26lt;blush%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;Ann, since this was the first time after the clean install that I opened Bridge and any folder, it didn't seem this could be the problem; I tried it anyhow and it didn't help.%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;Thanks so much for replying though. The best thing about Adobe is their support forums!
Ram贸n, I just checked the Bridge forum and downloaded the update. Thanks to you I found out about the update, though I'm almost afraid to install it.

I guess I'm lucky I haven't had more problems with Bridge. But it looks as though CS4 has a share of problems with Bridge too. :-(

Ram贸n, are you *sure* I should do the update? I just finished reading a post about the problems caused for a user by the update. I have Expression Media. Maybe I should just start using it? I can't remember why I stopped, maybe because it was more complicated.

I won't spring for Lightroom. Not the way Adobe is moving with support and bugginess. Maybe I should try Appeture? Not upgrading to CS4 and another set of problems will pay for Appeture.

I can assure you that Bridge CS4 has absolutely NO problems at all with the other CS4 applications on THIS computer!

I reckon that it all depends on how you configure and maintain your computers.


%26gt;Ram贸n, are you *sure* I should do the update?

What update, Peggy?

The update to Bridge ABSOLUTELY, this is a MUST upadte, no ifs or buts. There will always be idiots who run into problems all the time, but the update to is practically mandatoryunless you enjoy losing files. :/

Be aware, though, that you will face a difficult choice if you stay with Bridge CS3: just do a forum search on the Bridge forums on the word

CS4 is a different animal, nott perfect, but light years ahead of Bridge 2.x.

Please do not continue this discussion here. Take it to the Bridge forum:

Adobe Bridge Macintosh forum [CLICK HERE]

Anne, with all respect, I differ with you. It's easy to blame the user when problems happen. I happen to be paranoid about maintaining my computer and so far, after switching to my Mac, it is mainly Adobe programs that cause problems, no matter how careful I am. Of course I might avoid problems by never installing useful plugins (and sometimes it is the plugin that causes a problem). Possibly my installation of the OnOne plugins (I really love these) caused this problem with Bridge.

Computers are almost essential; for me one main enjoyment in life is working with my photos. I usually can figure out my problems on my own --learned to do that when I was running Windose :-) but in all fairness there are quirks and bugs that are NOT the user's doing. I figure if I'm not having problems it's luck as well as being careful.

Hoping you won't take offense. The few times I have visited the forums you have been kind and helpful.

Ram贸n, I will be checking out the Bridge forums from now on. This discussion has probably run it's course. Thank you again.


The first thing to try when problems suddenly manifest themselves like that is to disable anything extraneous that you have added to the program: such as third-party plug-ins or untested free Fonts found on the Web.

Your problem could well stem from your plug-ins: the Nik ones were notorious for this I believe although I didn't experience that personally as I have never used them.

Yeah you need to do the update

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