Sunday, April 4, 2010

New Video Card to use CS4!

I have the mac Pro Nvidia Gforce 7300. Reading the forums tells me i need a new video card to upgrade to CS4.

There isn't any use in even installing the trial with my video card, is there? CS3 is working well. I can live with the Bridge bugs, especially since Ram贸n noted that the CS4 cache mangement was still weak (in November - has that changed, Ram贸n?)

Ram贸n, you mentioned ''mutant, 'flashed' for Mac cards originally built for the PC'' Any alternative? In case I ever find it essential to upgrade.

I guess my honeymoon with the Mac is about over. Still love the stability, but not heaven on earth, is it!
New Video Card to use CS4!
Please tell us what Mac, RAM, etc. you are using.

%26gt;Reading the forums tells me i need a new video card to upgrade to CS4.

Not necessarily. CS4 may run ok, just not Open GL functionality.
New Video Card to use CS4!

%26gt;Reading the forums tells me i need a new video card to upgrade to CS4

You don't
need a new video card. You can run most Photoshop functions without it. But certain features, such as 3-D and rotation require advanced video or graphics cards. There are links in the gray panel on the front page of this forum for more specific information.

Within those limitations, I use Photoshop CS4 every day on my older G5 tower and without any flashed or upgrade card.


Thanks for the heads up! I don't need those features. Will install the trial. it's worth a shot. :-D

If you really WANTED to get a new video card, I'd suggest the nVidia 8800GT. But, as Neil posted, you don't NEED one necessarily.

Another alternative is the ATI Radeon 3870. It actually performs better than the 8800GT for some pro apps (not necessarily Photoshop), and it's cheaper.



Here's a doc that covers GPU accelerated features in PsCS4:

The 7300GT does work for most of the features. Whether you want to upgrade your video card depends more on what you will do in Photoshop. Working with 3D layers, multiple open files, or large document sizes impact the decision more than upgrading from CS3 to CS4.



Thanks, Steve.

I've just added your link to the front page as a ''Tech Note'' link for this Forum.



This Adobe tech note is directly related to the one in Steve's post #6. It seems to me that users should be referred to both.

GPU and OpenGL Features and Limitations in Photoshop CS4

Ram贸n,%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;I'm ahead of you. That link was already there. %26lt;g%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;Neil
:) Thanks.

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